Please contact us and submit your contact details below to show your support for our vital cause.
We are currently in litigation and are gathering additional facts and evidence to advance our case.
If you now have or have had relevant dealings with the Jewish Community of Brno
aka: Židovská Obec Brno or ŽOB and would like to share them with us in confidence, please contact our trustee directly at
Thank You
Kehilas Nikolsburg
Horowitz Nikolsburg Family Trust
Rabbi Zusha Horowitz
Rabbi Meir Horowitz
Rabbi Levy Yitzchok Horowitz
and the Nikolsburger Rebbe
Kozí Hrádek 11
692 01 Mikulov
Tel 420.777322522
Fax 1.616.855-7757
We urge all concerned to contact the following 3 authorized local Jewish organizations to express dismay and request they disassociate themselves with:
Mr. Jáchym Kanarek, JUDr.
and call for his immediate removal,from the Board or “Sekretariát” of the FŽO - Federation of Jewish Communities of the Czech Republic and as president of the ŽOB - Jewish Community of Brno for his neglect in general, and specifically for not replying to the Czech Jewish Court presently located in Vienna, causing irreparable damage to our children’s Jewish future!
Židovská obec v Praze
Jewish Community of Prague
Rabbi Dovid Petr
Maiselova 18
110 01 Praha 1
Tel 420 224 800 849
420 731136013
Fax 420.222318664
Federace židovských obcí v ČR
Federation of Jewish Communities of the Czech Republic
Rabbi Efraim Sidon
Maiselova 18
110 01 Praha 1
+420 224 800 824
Židovská obec Brno
Jewish Community of Brno
Rabbi Stephan Menashe Kliment
třída Kpt. Jaroše 3
602 00 Brno
+420 530 317 651